Eating Disorders – Common concerns for parents

Parents often have worries or doubts when considering taking their child in for an assessment for an eating disorder. It is understandable to feel uncertain about taking such a big step, so Nadia Brooker, Counselling Psychologist specializing in the treatment of...

The first appointment for an eating disorder – what to expect

Suspecting your child might have an eating disorder can feel daunting. Parents do sometimes put off seeking professional help, thinking they might be overreacting, or perhaps because they are overwhelmed at what they think might happen next.  As a Counselling...

EMDR Intensives

While traditional EMDR therapy often takes place over weeks or months, exciting new research shows that intensive EMDR—delivered over a condensed timeframe—can be equally, if not more, effective. If you’re looking for fast and focused relief, an EMDR intensive might...

Our Musings

Many of us face challenges with our mental health, keeping us from being our best selves.  Treatment isn’t always required. This blog is dedicated to the notion that many of us can respond to those challenges with just the slightest degree of guidance and support. While we at Vivamus specialise in providing psychological support for a range of mental health issues, this blog is dedicated to helping you rise to your own particular challenges. 

EMDR Intensives

EMDR Intensives

Sometimes we need relief from symptoms quickly. EMDR Intensives can provide significant improvements in 2-3 days. Dr. Marie Thompson explains more.

Coping with Change

Coping with Change

Change is inevitable but how we deal with it isn’t. Dr. Mark Corcoran takes a look at some tried and tested psychological tools for managing change.

Healing through EMDR

Healing through EMDR

The 8 phases of EMDR explained and what to expect in an EMDR session. Dr. Mark Corcoran brings his EMDR experience as an EMDR therapist to the blog.

ADHD and Sleep

ADHD and Sleep

ADHD and Sleep are often incompatible bed fellows. Dr. Miranda Gaylor shares tips for adults and children with ADHD to get a better night’s sleep.

Inside Out

Inside Out

A Psychologist’s perspective on Pixar’s emotional masterpiece by Dr. Shane Mulligan.

Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be awful. Dr. Marie Thompson explains what they are and offers some strategies to assist when you’re in the middle of one.

Therapy with Children

Therapy with Children

Dr Dina Bedair, Child and Adolescent Psychologist, answers common questions asked by parents contemplating child therapy in Dubai.

Online EMDR

Online EMDR

EMDR typically involves using eye movements and other modes of bilateral stimulation, and many of my existing and new clients have asked whether it is possible to provide EMDR online. I am happy to say with hand on heart, armed with my clinical experience and the research evidence, that providing EMDR online is effective.

Helping Organizations respond to Covid

Helping Organizations respond to Covid

Managers have a crucial role in supporting employees return to work during the Pandemic, while simultaneously challenged by the crisis themselves. Cheryl Warsama, Counseling Psychologist, shares some suggestions as to how managers can protect their employees.

Coping with Social Isolation

Coping with Social Isolation

Being in isolation for extended periods of time can have a significant impact on our mental health. Dr. Rebecca Ferguson shares some tips to help cope with social isolation and protect our mental health.

Vivamus Community Singers

Vivamus Community Singers

Whether you have a diagnosable mental health condition or if you simply experience the usual ups and downs in mood, energy and mojo that we all do, there are things you can do to improve your mental health that don’t involve therapy. Singing is one such way that has been proven to improve mental health – so Vivamus has set up a choir!

Treating Panic Attacks

Treating Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are really disturbing and can have a profound impact on functioning. Yet they’re highly treatable. Dr. Marie Thompson, Clinical Psychologist, explains how.

School Refusal: Distress not Defiance.

School Refusal: Distress not Defiance.

It’s hard not to see school refusal as defiance sometimes, but it’s important to understand what emotions are driving your child’s reluctance to attend school in order to help them re-engage. Prathna Singh shares how.

Child and Teen Sessions: What should parents expect?

Child and Teen Sessions: What should parents expect?

Parents often have lots of questions about bringing their child to see a psychologist. From length of therapy to whether to be present in the sessions, Prathna Singh (Child and Adolescent Psychologist) addresses these and other important questions.



Soothing (or rather, difficulty in self-soothing) is a notion that comes up a lot in my work. When people report a difficulty managing emotions, where experiences like anxiety or anger come on quickly and intensely, and escalate until the point of what people often...

What day is it?

What day is it?

It’s hard to move for tenuous and ridiculous “days” sometimes. But National Psychotherapy Day is one we can get behind. Bring out your turquoise!

Coping with bullying

Coping with bullying

What is bullying? I get asked this question a lot from parents and young people and when I ask the same question back each person has their own definition. These definitions range from ‘any name calling or teasing’ to ‘anything physical from one child to another’ or...

Coping at Christmas

Coping at Christmas

Christmas isn't always easy. Sometimes family dynamics can come to the fore, making the festive period particularly challenging. Perhaps you're coping with loss at Christmas. Or perhaps it is the volume of things to be done and expectation you're finding challenging....

When should I see a Psychologist or Counselor?

When should I see a Psychologist or Counselor?

 Why now? One of the first questions I ask people who come to see me at their first appointment, is “why now?”. Often people struggle for a long time before they seek professional support. And sometimes there is a clear event that leads people to make an appointment....

Who is the best psychologist in Dubai?

Who is the best psychologist in Dubai?

Who is the Best Psychologist in Dubai? Who is the Best Counselor in Dubai? It's always interesting to me to think what people type into Google when they are looking for psychological support. Assuming they have reached the point that would like some assistance, do...

Self-criticism: why we do it and how not to

Self-criticism: why we do it and how not to

Like many aspects of our seemingly irrational selves, the basis can often make perfect sense. Self-criticism and self-blame are at the heart of many of our negative thoughts and have an impact on self-esteem and in turn our ability to tackle challenges and setbacks...

The importance of soft toys

The importance of soft toys

  If you've ever wondered why children form such a strong attachment to soft toys, psychologists can shed light on this universal phenomenon. In a nutshell, creating and later internalising a compassionate other helps us tackle relationship and life challenges as...

Uncertainty and Worrying Well

Uncertainty and Worrying Well

As life marches on, we often experience much change and uncertainty, especially in a transient city such as Dubai. Tolerating uncertainty and frequent change can be challenging. I share below the biological reasons we find uncertainty difficult and I offer some...

Just as you are

Just as you are

  A very happy and healthy 2018 to you and your family. I love new year. I don’t like the crowds and the fuss and the hoo ha, and I loathe new year resolutions. But I do love to reflect on the year that’s gone and to feel grateful for the people I cherish, and to...

Coping with grief at Christmas

Coping with grief at Christmas

Big festivals without loved ones can be really painful. Especially at first. I’m hoping the following tips might help you deal with Christmas when someone's missing. Manage your expectations. Don’t expect Christmas to be the same; it will be different. Change things...

Coping with PTSD symptoms

Coping with PTSD symptoms

Dealing with PTSD symptoms yourself The main factor that keeps PTSD symptoms going is avoiding thinking about the event. It’s entirely understandable that people should not want to think about what happened. It’s unpleasant, can be terrifying and can lead to symptoms...

Does time heal?

Does time heal?

Sometimes. In fact, in most cases, the brain can make sense of the event itself, assimilating the event with pre-existing experiences and making sense of what happened. This is why professionals do not diagnose PTSD within the first 4 weeks of the trauma....

Normal responses to abnormal events

Normal responses to abnormal events

  When a traumatic event occurs, a certain set of responses tend to follow. Avoidance Firstly, you may find yourself avoiding reminders of the event. This could include avoiding certain people or places and trying not to think about what happened. The trouble...



My patients never cease to amaze me. I’ve just finished skyping with a client I had the privilege to work with a couple of years ago, soon after she experienced an awful event. She’s so incredible! Something terrible happened to her. Yet the strength,...


We do not offer an emergency service.
If you would like to contact us out of hours you can leave a message on 0585064243. We will reply to your message during office hours.
In the event of an emergency, contact Al Rashid Hospital on 042192000



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Vivamus FZ LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. PO Box 73472