
My patients never cease to amaze me. I’ve just finished skyping with a client I had the privilege to work with a couple of years ago, soon after she experienced an awful event. She’s so incredible!

Something terrible happened to her. Yet the strength, determination and bravery she demonstrated at every stage of the process has been remarkable to observe. Her presence of mind amid the terror allowed her to survive the ordeal. Her instigation of help soon afterwards kept her safe and put the wheels in motion for a process that lasted months, thus further prolonging the trauma. She bravely chose to keep the trauma present while a court case ensued, not only because of her own integrity and power in making a stand, but also in a bid that others don’t have to experience what she did.

She trusted me enough to share and recall the intricate details of the event. She allowed herself to be vulnerable enough in my presence to fully process the event and its repercussions. In entering fully into the process and trusting me to guide her through it, she gave the event its place. It is no longer present, it is past. It is no longer raw, it is distant. And perhaps unbelievably to the woman who came to see me just weeks after it happened, she told me today that she doesn’t even think about it.

For your trust and commitment, I thank you. For your bravery, power and strength, I salute you! You really are a rockstar.

*Written and published with the lady’s permission*


We do not offer an emergency service.
If you would like to contact us out of hours you can leave a message on 0585064243. We will reply to your message during office hours.
In the event of an emergency, contact Al Rashid Hospital on 042192000



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Vivamus FZ LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. PO Box 73472