EMDR Intensives at Vivamus
What is an EMDR intensive?
EMDR intensives at Vivamus involve having 2 EMDR sessions per day for 2-3 days. This focused, short-term EMDR therapy is designed to accelerate healing from trauma, alleviation from anxiety and low mood, or overcoming phobias. Instead of weekly sessions, intensive EMDR reduces distress efficiently and minmises time spent in therapy. EMDR intensives can take place online or in our clinic in Dubai.
You can read more about EMDR here.
Who would benefit from an EMDR intensive?
Anyone who would like to feel relief from their symptoms quickly would benefit from an EMDR intensive. EMDR intensives particularly appeal to:
- Busy professionals.
- People wanting to overcome a phobia ahead of a feared event such as childbirth, a flight, or public speaking engagement.
- People on annual leave or maternity leave.
- People who are in therapy with another professional not trained in EMDR and would like to use EMDR to address a particular component to their challenge(s).

The Process of EMDR Intensives
1. Initial Assessment. This allows you and your Psychologist to be sure that an EMDR intensive is the right approach for you.
2. Schedule an EMDR intensive over 2-3 days within the same week and preferably consecutively.
3. Follow Up Session can be arranged one month after the intensive to make sure gains have been maintained.
What is the evidence around EMDR Intensives?
Everything we do at Vivamus has an evidence-base, i.e. the treatments we use have been thoroughly researched in multiple rigorous clinical trials and have been shown to be effective. EMDR has a very large evidence-base, and our clinical experience supports what the research tells us – EMDR is a fantastic way to get to the bottom of those factors in our distant or very recent past that affect us now.
EMDR intensives are a relatively new addition to the EMDR landscape and as such there have not been many research studies conducted as yet. Those that have been conducted show EMDR intensives to be as effective or more effective as EMDR as usual.
You can read our blog on EMDR Intensives in Dubai or online if you’d like to know more.
Prefer EMDR as usual?

+971 (0) 4 4403844

Unit 202, 2nd Floor, Building 49
Dubai Healthcare City, right next door to City Hospital

Get In Touch
Let us know if you have any questions about our services or would like to book an appointment with one of our team.