Who is the best psychologist in Dubai?

Who is the best psychologist in Dubai?

Who is the Best Psychologist in Dubai? Who is the Best Counselor in Dubai? It’s always interesting to me to think what people type into Google when they are looking for psychological support. Assuming they have reached the point that would like some assistance,...
The importance of soft toys

The importance of soft toys

The importance of soft toys If you’ve ever wondered why children form such a strong attachment to soft toys, psychologists can shed light on this universal phenomenon. In a nutshell, creating and later internalising a compassionate other helps us tackle...
Uncertainty and Worrying Well

Uncertainty and Worrying Well

Uncertainty and Worrying Well As life marches on, we often experience much change and uncertainty, especially in a transient city such as Dubai. Tolerating uncertainty and frequent change can be challenging. I share below the biological reasons we find uncertainty...
Just as you are

Just as you are

Just as you are A very happy and healthy 2018 to you and your family. I love new year. I don’t like the crowds and the fuss and the hoo ha, and I loathe new year resolutions. But I do love to reflect on the year that’s gone and to feel grateful for the people I...