Open Integrity

Changing course. Our Mission

One of the best things about my job is witnessing the extraordinary human capacity to change. Despite difficult beginnings or experiences, it is always a privilege to observe how people with a challenging start can emerge triumphant, safe and healthy, leading fulfilling lives. I hear about the strength of people, and the role of family, friends and strangers in changing the course of people’s lives for the better. I am always left in awe as to how much progress people can make when they didn’t think it possible.

Since working in Dubai I consider myself privileged to see the world from my consulting room. Sometimes what I see is the normal course of mental health challenges being exacerbated by living away from home and usual support networks. I often see how abnormal events affect the “normal” course of life, and I take great pride in helping people overcome adversity and continue as they once were.

I want to change the world and I know I can’t, but if I can change the course of one person’s life for the better, I can change the world one person at a time. And that’s a pretty good start.

Dr. Marie Thompson
CEO & Clinical Director, Vivamus
We operate in accordance with international standards of ethical practice and code of conduct. What this boils down to is a commitment to do what we do well, and signpost to other professionals or services if your needs are best met elsewhere.
We will listen so that we can actually hear. We will not judge and we will not thrust our world view on yours. We will work in a way that respects your version of the world and work with you to help you operate happily within it.
We will deliver well-researched treatments and will keep our skills and knowledge up to date to ensure each patient receives the right treatment. We will evaluate our therapy outcomes to ensure our team are making a difference.

+971 (0) 4 4403844

Unit 202, 2nd Floor, Building 49
Dubai Healthcare City, right next door to City Hospital

Get In Touch

Let us know if you have any questions about our services or would like to book an appointment with one of our team.

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