Suspecting your child might have an eating disorder can feel daunting. Parents do sometimes put off seeking professional help, thinking they might be overreacting, or perhaps because they are overwhelmed at what they think might happen next.
As a Counselling Psychologist specialising in working with children and adults with eating disorders in Dubai, I’m sharing 5 key elements to the assessment process below in a bid to demystify the process and make it easier for you to take the first step.
Seeking professional help is an important first step in understanding the nature and extent of the issue. Here’s what you can expect during the process:
- No judgement! Eating disorders are complex and there is no one cause – I’m here to understand what’s going on with no judgement.
- History taking: We’ll begin by establishing a comfortable and non-judgemental environment. I’ll ask a bit about their personal, social and family history, development and important events or changes. I’ll also ask about general physical and mental health.
- In depth discussion of eating disorder patterns and behaviours: once the more ‘general’ portion is complete, we’ll focus more on the experiences, behaviours and feelings relating to food, body image and emotions. I’ll have more detailed questions here about eating habits, dieting history, exercise routines, and any patterns related to food, restriction, binging or purging.
- Family involvement: I will always ask family member(s) to be part of some, if not all, of the session, as this helps to provide further information and viewpoints.
- Feedback and next steps: based on what we’ve discussed in session, I provide feedback and discuss next steps. If an eating disorder is diagnosed, I would provide psychoeducation around this and recommend treatment options based on current evidence-based guidelines. I may also suggest that the young person also be assessed by a paediatrician, psychiatrist and/or a dietician.
It’s really important that a child with an eating disorder is seen by a psychologist specialising in eating disorders – the treatment for eating disorders is different from general psychotherapy approaches and you need to make sure your child is receiving the right, evidenced-based care.
I hope this has helped breakdown what’s involved in that first appointment. If you’re worried about your child, please do book them in for an initial assessment. I’d be happy to help make a plan for recovery with you.
Nadia Brooker, Counseling Psychologist, Vivamus.
Call us (04 4403844) or drop us an email ( if you’d like to make an appointment to see Nadia Brooker. Or you can click below.